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10:00 AM Pacific
11:00 AM Pacific

Part of the “Conversations with GIA” Series, sponsored by Grantmakers in Aging.

Thanks to our co-sponsors the John A. Hartford Foundation, the Community AGEnda initiative, The Pfizer Foundation, and the International Federation on Ageing (IFA). 

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PLEASE NOTE: CEUs are not available for this webinar.

A large component of what shapes our identity is our sense of place—a place to call home, an environment to relate to and a community that embraces every stage of our lives.  The concept of age-friendly communities and cities has been adapted and applied in many different ways worldwide.  Increasingly the term “age-friendly” is an important pillar to the strategic plans of all levels of government.  There is no doubt that building an environment for people of all ages will yield significant social and economic benefits. Is a project or initiative age-friendly or is it inclusive (or is it both)?  What does it mean to decision-makers and politicians for their community to be age-friendly; is it an attractive proposition, and if so then how can the business case be made for political-buy in and engagement that brings funding?  Political buy-in is frequently identified as a barrier that impedes the progress of many age-friendly Initiatives globally.  Our speakers have been at the coalface of this thorny issue and overcome the odds to lead two of the most impressive set of age-friendly scenarios in the world. 


Dr. Margaret Neal, Director, School of Community Health: Institute on Aging

Hugh O’Connor, CEO, Age-Friendly Ireland