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10:00 AM Pacific
11:00 AM Pacific

Presented by MindAlert


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All Web Seminar times shown are Pacific Time. Please mark your calendar with your local time equivalent.

This webinar will provide an overview of some of the history that shaped the area of brain health and the role played by the American Society on Aging. Now more than ten years have passed since the first Mind Alert Lectures and brain health has emerged as an established area of study and consumer application. Dr. Nussbaum will review how brain health has interfaced with multiple sectors of society, the business and ethical aspects of promoting brain health, and what the research supports. His own approach that focuses on brain health lifestyle ® and how this approach has been introduced across society will be discussed. The webinar will attempt to provide a future direction for brain health and discuss untapped capacities and opportunities for the human brain.

Participants in this web seminar will be able to:

  • Understand how brain health has interfaced with different parts of society.
  • State research supports regarding methods to promote brain health.
  • Describe Dr. Nussbaum’s Brain Health Lifestyle ® and his experience in the area of brain health over the past 12 years
  • Identify future directions and application for brain health.


Dr. Paul Nussbaum is President of the Brain Health Center that provides a holistic approach to brain health and wellness. He has been involved in the study and shaping of brain health for more than a decade and continues to lead in the area of brain health lifestyle ®.