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Future Proof

Future Proof is an innovation-focused webcast that features engaging and enlightening conversations with changemakers in aging.

Centering Equity and Family Caregivers in State Multisector Plans for Aging


In this Future Proof Live episode, experts discuss the new Multisector Plan for Aging (MPA) measure in the AARP LTSS Scorecard and explain how states can center equity in their MPAs to reflect the voices, experiences and recommendations of all stakeholders.

Centering Equity and Family Caregivers in State Multisector Plans for Aging



With Donna Benton, PhD, Associate Research Professor of Gerontology at USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology; Jennifer Crawley, MSW, Deputy Secretary of the Maryland Department of Aging; Carrie Graham, PhD, Director of Long-Term Services and Supports, Center for Health Care Strategies; and Edem Hado, MPH, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, Long Term Services and Caregiving, AARP Public Policy Institute.



Cross-sector Planning for Aging at the Local and State Levels


In this Future Proof Live episode, experts discuss how Multisector Plans for Aging (MPAs) are successfully building bridges between agencies like Parks and Rec, libraries and city transportation services. Panelists explain the importance of cross-sector planning for aging at the local and state levels.

Cross-sector Planning for Aging at the Local and State Levels



With David Neumeister and Roger Allbee, Windham Aging; Sarah Steenhausen, Deputy Director of Policy, Research and Equity, CA Master Plan for Aging; and Amanda Lawrence, Project Director, CA Master Plan for Aging.



Multisector Plan for Aging


In this Future Proof Live episode, our panelists discuss what a Multisector Plan for Aging is, what it looks like at different stages, across different communities and with different priorities. We also will explore key tools and concepts to create a movement toward change through an aging and disability lens that goes beyond traditional health and community services.

Multisector Plan for Aging



With John Cochran, Deputy Executive Director of the New York State Office for the Aging; Michelle Gayette, Assistant Director, ND HHS; Anna Lea Cothron, Director of Systems Transformation for the Division of TennCare; and Carrie Graham, PhD, Director of Long-term Services and Supports at the Center for Health Care Strategies.



Ageism & Technology


In this special Future Proof Live episode, our panelists explore innovative ways to address ageism in the technology workforce, how health technologies are employed to improve the care of older adults and the very real concern of how to prevent unintended age bias in emerging technologies powered by artificial intelligence and automation.

Ageism & Technology



With Patrice Dickerson, ASA’s Director of Programs & Thought Leadership; Jisella Dolan, Chief Advocacy Officer at Home Instead; Heather Tinsley-Fix, Senior Advisor–Employer Engagement at AARP; Becky Canterbury, Senior Delivery Manager at Shutterstock; Paul Guzzo, Image Review Manager at Shutterstock; and Richard Perri, Global Facilities Director at Shutterstock.



Building Opportunity and Fighting Poverty

Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of AARP Foundation joins as guest host to explore innovative approaches to fighting poverty with leaders in the community, and discussed how these approaches can be applied across generations to build opportunity.


Is Poverty Solvable?

With: Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of AARP Foundation

Income for Mothers and Grandmothers

With: Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of AARP Foundation & Dr. Aisha Nyandoro, CEO, Springboard to Opportunities

Age-Inclusive Education

With: Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of AARP Foundation & Ruth Finkelstein, ScD, Rose Dobrof Executive Director, Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging at Hunter College

Building Relationships that Lead to Opportunity

With: Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of AARP Foundation & Dr. Tamara Payne, Project Director for Back to Work 50+ Women's Economic Stability Initiative (WESI)

Systemic Solutions to Poverty Through Legal Advocacy

With: Bill Rivera, Senior VP Litigation, AARP Foundation & Audra Wilson, President and CEO, Shriver Center on Poverty Law

Combatting Poverty with Hope

With: Lisa Marsh Ryerson, President of AARP Foundation & Valerie Maholmes, author of Fostering Resilience & Well-Being in Children & Families in Poverty: Why Hope Still Matters.



Innovations that Help Us Plan


The Four Pillars of the New Retirement

With: Scott Thoma, Principal, Advice & Guidance–Client Needs Research, CFA, CFP, Edward Jones

Using Data-Driven Approaches to Improve Care and Lives

With: Dr. Jerry Wilmink of CarePredict

Shifting the Conversation about Dementia and Dying

With: Kim Callinan & Matt Whitaker of Compassion & Choices



Complicated Grief

During a year of crisis, for many this holiday season is a time to confront what M. Katherine Shear, MD, calls "complicated grief." In the face of both a global pandemic and a new reckoning with structural racism, ASA CEO Peter Kaldes talks with Dr. Shear, Director of the Columbia Center for Complicated Grief, about what ASA members and everyone in the field of aging should know about grief this season.


Complicated Grief

With: M. Katherine Shear, MD of the Columbia Center for Complicated Grief



Innovations in Connectivity

Peter Kaldes, President and CEO of ASA, talks with innovators on the cutting edge of connectivity and aging and about how tech can change the way people come together in the future.


How Tech Can Help Elders Remain Engaged

With: Madj Alwan of Leading Age

The Thrive Center

With: Sheri Rose of The Thrive Center

An Innovative Partnership: Embodied Labs & Front Porch

With: Carrie Shaw of Embodied Labs & Kari Olsen of Front Porch



Justice & Equity

ASA believes work on racial justice can no longer remain at the margins for those of us who work to improve the lives of older people in this country. We plan on weaving it into the fabric of everything we do at ASA, including this new slate of Future Proof broadcasts, which will center around Justice & Equity. Please tune in as Peter Kaldes, CEO of ASA, speaks with experts in aging whose work intersects with racial injustice and inequity.


Advancing Racial & Social Justice for Direct Care Workers

With: Robert Espinoza

Aiming for Equity in the Navajo Nation

With: Larry Curley

Ally with Older Adults Facing Systemic Discrimination

With: Denny Chan

Direct Care Worker Quest for Equality

With: Ai-jen Poo

African American Elders, Equality, Equity, Alzheimer’s & COVID-19

With: Karen Lincoln

Bridging the Digital Divide

With: Tom Kamber
