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Presenter FAQs

On Aging 2025 Presenter FAQ  


What are the important dates for presenters? 

June 18–Aug. 9, 2024: Online portal opens for proposal submissions.
Oct. 7, 2024: Proposal acceptances announced.
Oct. 9–11, 2024: Ageism Awareness Day Sale for a registration rate of $475.
Oct. 15–Dec. 13, 2024: Presenter Rate of $595 is offered to all accepted presenters.
Dec. 13, 2024: Cutoff date for all presenters to be registered.
Jan.–Mar. 2025: Conference website regularly updated with presenter guidance and conference agenda.
April 21–24, 2025: On Aging 2025!


When can I submit my presentation proposal for On Aging 2025? 

Proposals will be accepted from June 18–Aug. 9, 2024.  Presentation proposals for On Aging 2025 are now closed.


Where is On Aging 2025? 

Hyatt Regency Orlando
9801 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819


When is On Aging 2025?  

April 21–24, 2025


What is the submission fee?

There is no fee for submitting a proposal.


Does it matter what email address I use when submitting my proposal? 

Yes! Please use the email address associated with your ASA account.  If you are not sure which email to use, or believe you may have multiple accounts, please contact us at


I am not a member of ASA. Can I still submit a proposal? 

Yes, both ASA members and non-members are invited to submit conference proposals; however, you must become an ASA member to attend the conference. If you are not a member and your proposal is accepted, you must join ASA before, or purchase membership together with, your conference registration. If you are unsure of your membership status, please connect with


Can I be a primary presenter or co-presenter on a proposal if I am not a member of ASA? 

ASA membership is not a prerequisite for submitting a proposal. If you are not a member and your proposal is accepted, you must join ASA before, or purchase membership together with, your conference registration. If you are unsure of your membership status, please connect with


What is the difference between the primary presenter and the co-presenters on a proposal? 

ASA assumes that the primary presenter is the “author” who will organize the session if the proposal is accepted. The primary presenter is responsible for ensuring that all co-presenters register for the conference on time at the posted presenter rates. If the proposal is accepted and the primary presenter is unable to attend and present, a co-presenter may take over organizing the session, with the permission of the primary presenter.  
Please email immediately about any changes to presenters or presenter roles for your session.


What are the registration requirements for presenters for On Aging 2025? 

Presenters must register and pay registration fees by Dec. 13, 2024, to confirm their session(s). All sessions must meet presenter requirements, or they will be placed on the session waitlist. Please note: Once on the waitlist, there is no guarantee of receiving your requested session format, date and time. Waitlisted sessions will be added to the program if presentation times may become available.  
Presenter and attendee conference fees allow ASA to offer the largest multidisciplinary aging conference in the nation.


Can I present at On Aging virtually? 

No. While some sessions will be recorded and shared after the live event, we do not have the infrastructure necessary to host hybrid sessions. All presenters must plan to attend in person.


What are the presenter registration fees for On Aging 2025? 

Presenters must register and pay registration fees by Dec. 13, 2024, to confirm their session(s). The presenter rate (Oct. 15–Dec. 13, 2024) is $595  for members, $870 for non-members.

The non-member registration rate includes a 1-year Individual ASA membership. After purchasing a non-member ticket, membership with ASA will be added to your record within five business days. Please note that membership with ASA is owned by the individual, not the organization with whom the member is affiliated, and is neither transferrable, refundable, nor assignable. View our full Terms & Conditions policy.


What are the registration fees for On Aging 2025? 

Conference registration will open Oct. 15, 2024.  A special Ageism Awareness Day sale will be available from October 9–11, 2024. Please refer to the table below for conference rates. 

Please note that conference attendance is a benefit of ASA membership. To attend On Aging 2025, your ASA membership must be current as of April 21, 2025.    

The non-member registration rate includes a 1-year Individual ASA membership. After purchasing a non-member ticket, membership with ASA will be added to your record within five business days. We encourage you to explore our other member benefits and programming.  

Please note that Individual membership with ASA is owned by the individual, not the organization with whom the member is affiliated, and is neither transferable, refundable, nor assignable. View our full Terms & Conditions policy.


Are group rates for On Aging 2025 available? 

Groups registering 10 or more individuals are eligible to receive $50 off per person. However, please note that the group rate will not be offered during the Ageism Awareness Day Sale. The group rate will be available starting Oct. 15. To qualify for the group rate discount, all registrants (10 or more) must be registered at the same time, and we require all registrants to be named during registration. 

Please note that conference attendance is a benefit of ASA membership. To attend On Aging 2025, your ASA membership must be current as of April 21, 2025.    

The non-member registration rate includes a 1-year Individual ASA membership. After purchasing a non-member ticket, membership with ASA will be added to your record within five business days. We encourage you to explore our other member benefits and programming.  

Please note that Individual membership with ASA is owned by the individual, not the organization with whom the member is affiliated, and is neither transferrable, refundable, nor assignable. View our full Terms & Conditions policy.


Can I request a presentation date/time? 

Given the complexity of conference scheduling, we cannot accommodate specific presentation schedule requests.


Am I automatically registered for On Aging 2025 by submitting a proposal? 

No. You must purchase registration by Dec. 13, 2024 and book your travel arrangements for the conference separately.


What will I be asked during the proposal process? 

To submit a proposal, you will be asked to provide:  

  • A title, brief (3–5 sentence) description, session details and 3 learning objectives  

  • Demographic groups that your proposal addresses 

  • Information about you and all co-presenters 

  • Acknowledgment of presenter agreement  


I am a co-presenter on a session, what do I need to do? 

Maintain communication with the “primary presenter,” the person who submitted the proposal. All mass communications will be sent to the “primary presenter.” All presenters, including co-presenters, are required to register for the full conference by Dec. 13, 2024.


Can I withdraw my proposal after the submission deadline? 

Yes. To withdraw a proposal submission, please email us at as soon as possible.


If I am the primary presenter on a proposal and am unable to attend the conference, what should I do? 

Although the primary presenter typically organizes the session, a co-presenter may become the primary presenter with permission from the person who submitted the proposal. If no one can attend the conference and present the proposal, the primary presenter must withdraw the proposal in writing by emailing


I am a co-presenter and I cannot attend—what should I do? 

Please notify us a of your withdrawal and cc your co-presenters.


When will I be notified about my submission? 

Notifications for accepted sessions will be e-mailed to “primary presenters” Oct. 7, 2024. To make sure you receive all ASA correspondence, add and to your email’s “safe senders” list.


I am a Poster Presenter. What does that mean?

Your poster will be displayed for one full day of the conference (Tuesday–Thursday). There will be a designated time for presenters to stand next to their poster and engage attendees in conversations around its topic. Poster presentations offer the opportunity to facilitate many collaborations, partnerships and learning opportunities. Networking is a key purpose of attending a poster session, but the job of the poster itself is to communicate insight very quickly (and engagingly)!   
ASA will offer a poster template to help you design your poster. You are not required to use this template.


I’ve been selected as a presenter, how do I access the presenter portal?  

Please contact if you are having issues accessing the On Aging 2025 presenter portal.