1–2 PM Eastern | 10–11 AM Pacific
Addressing Challenging Family Dynamics in Caregiving
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Providing care for a family member or loved one can be emotionally and logistically challenging, especially when family dynamics come into play. Even the most harmonious families can find themselves in challenging situations that can quickly escalate into disputes. As professionals, we can be called upon to help families navigate these challenges and provide an objective expert opinion. Join this webinar to explore effective strategies for navigating familial complexities. Whether you're dealing with differences in opinions, varying levels of involvement, or communication hurdles, this webinar will provide valuable guidance. Gain a deeper understanding of these challenges and learn about tools to foster collaboration and harmony while caregiving.
Participants in this webinar will be able to:
- Understand hot-button issues that often cause highly emotional discussions among family members.
- Identify strategies to help families navigate these issues with a focus on what’s best for the older adult.
- Learn tips to help family members cope with the demands of family caregiving.
- Discover resources that can help avoid or overcome conflicts.
Lakelyn Eichenberger, PhD, is a gerontologist and caregiving advocate for Honor and Home Instead, the world’s largest provider of home care. She began her career in a local Home Instead, working one-on-one with older adults. Today she works to educate professionals, families and communities on the unique challenges older adults face and the resources available to help them thrive. Eichenberger earned a doctorate in Gerontology from the University of Nebraska. She has spoken nationally and internationally on the topic of caregiving and aging and serves as a resource to major media.