The Legacy Interviews is a weekly webcast hosted by Ken Dychtwald, PhD featuring interviews with diverse legendary pathfinders who have spent decades in the field of aging, health and social services.
John Rowe, MD, is the Julius B. Richmond Professor of Health Policy and Aging at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Previously, he served as Chairman and CEO of Aetna, Inc., one of the nation's leading healthcare and related benefits organizations. Prior to Aetna, Dr. Rowe served as President and CEO of Mount Sinai NYU Health, one of the nation’s largest academic healthcare organizations, and before that he was President of the Mount Sinai Hospital and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Earlier, Dr. Rowe was a Professor of Medicine and founding Director of the Division on Aging at the Harvard Medical School, as well as Chief of Gerontology at Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital. Dr. Rowe has received many honors and awards for his research and health policy efforts regarding care of older adults. Dr. Rowe leads the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on an Aging Society and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He is a former Commissioner of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC).
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