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On Aging Call for Proposals

Submit your proposal to present at On Aging 2025

The deadline for submitting presentation proposals was Aug. 9, 2024.
Proposals are no longer being accepted.


ASA members have always been tireless advocates—resourceful, creative, and dedicated to creating a better society for older people. On Aging 2025 will highlight and further that mission. The conference will showcase thought leadership and innovation used to propel an accurate and age-inclusive conversation with partners from all sectors. Ageism is pervasive, impacting everything from economics, healthcare, and climate change. We hope to highlight the breadth of impact we can collectively achieve for individuals, communities, systems and for society at large when we acknowledge that age-inclusion is essential for everyone.

Recognizing the diversity of the population in Orlando, we will use On Aging 2025 as an opportunity to highlight inclusive and progressive programming designed to serve everyone. We also hope to offer sessions that will encourage advocacy for an age-inclusivity and showcase social action.

After a thrilling experience at On Aging 2024, ASA is delighted to again receive proposal submissions aligned with the Aging While Black and On Tech @ On Aging tracks. These sessions will continue to highlight unique perspectives and experiences from the Black community. The On Tech @ On Aging tracks will showcase advancements and innovations found in the Age Tech sector. We welcome submissions on leveraging tech for better care and better health, supporting caregivers, and aging in place.


Proposals are no longer being accepted.


Benefits of Presenting at On Aging 2025

Through ASA’s powerful, multidisciplinary membership, we are uniquely positioned to lead learning and education at a national level, which allows us all to better serve, design for, and positively impact the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population.

On Aging is the greatest opportunity to share your ideas and to connect with one another. There are many opportunities to network and meet new people as we discuss the latest trends, research and key issues with experts and other thought leaders in aging.

ASA members want to reimagine issues and solutions facing the aging network, industry and society. People come to On Aging to hear about innovations, so we strive to offer sessions that will be engaging and thought-provoking.


Statement on Diversity

ASA is committed to strengthening the skills of our members and others who work with, and on behalf of, older adults. Diversity, equity and inclusion are hallmarks of ASA’s culture, and the filter used in our work.

By participating as part of ASA’s On Aging Conference program community, all presenters are expected, to the fullest extent possible, to include multicultural and diversity-related content within their presentation(s).  

Examples may include: 

  • Describing differences in service delivery or use in diverse populations;
  • Highlighting needs or preferences among diverse populations;
  • Discussing known or potential access barriers and/or opportunities for improvements for diverse populations;
  • Incorporating culturally appropriate outreach and education strategies;
  • Presenting research findings based on samples drawn from diverse populations and backgrounds;
  • Providing recommendations for needed research, programming, policies or innovative approaches to serve diverse populations more effectively.


Session Formats

All session formats are designed for educational and networking programming. The promotion of retail products is not permitted.



60-minute Presentations are sessions that focus on educational topics or concepts and emphasize innovative models, promising practices, applied research or replicable programs. This format involves a formal presentation and should feature case studies and interactive activities.

AV included: laptop (does not have internal DVD player), projector, screen, free WiFi and wired microphone for table use.

Number of presenters: 2–5

Number of Continuing Education credits: 1

Film/Video Session


Film/Video Sessions include the screening of a film or video,* accompanied by an educational component such as a filmmaker-led discussion, expert panel or small group discussion and Q & A. ASA staff will work with all film sessions to determine the length of time allocated for the session. The film should be brought on an external memory device as a MP4 file, to ensure seamless viewing. *Foreign and U.S.-based short and feature-length narrative, documentary, experimental and animated films are welcome. 

AV included: laptop (does not have internal DVD player), projector, screen, free WiFi, and wired microphone for table use.

Number of presenters: 1–7

Number of Continuing Education credits: 0



Networking Sessions are 60-minutes, during which a moderator facilitates discussion and collaboration between fellow attendees around a topic area. The topic area can be broad, to promote variety in attendees. Presenters host the networking session, offering guidance on how the session will progress, transitioning from introductions to experience and questions in the topic area, but also allowing for attendees to make connections with one another.

AV included: None.

Number of presenters: 2–6

Number of Continuing Education credits: 0



Point/Counterpoint Debates are 60-minute sessions in which a moderator facilitates debate between a panel of expert speakers with different views on a topic or policy position. The topic or policy position is clearly articulated by the moderator, who then invites each speaker to present affirmative, dissenting and/or alternative cases. Time will be allocated for questions from the audience after all sides are presented.

AV included: laptop (does not have internal DVD player), projector, screen, free WiFi and wired microphone for table use. Alternative microphone arrangement for large panels available upon request. 

Number of presenters: 3–7

Number of Continuing Education credits: 1



Poster Sessions allow presenters to stand next to a poster highlighting educational content, or a topic related to data, research, evaluation or other themes appropriate for this type of format. Attendees will be notified of the posters available, and depending upon the number of poster presentations requested, multiple session times may be available. ASA will provide a poster template, but you are not required to use it.

AV included: None

Number of presenters: 1–4

Number of Continuing Education credits: 0



Roundtable sessions take place in an informal setting with presenters and attendees all sitting together at a table. The sessions are consultative, 60-minute discussions for groups organized by topics. A brief presentation of the core educational content is followed by guided discussions and dedicated time for questions and answers. Participants can brainstorm, network, and/or work alongside other attendees who either share a community of practice or are brought together intentionally due to common interests in specific issues. The facilitator(s) define the topic and goal for the hour and come to the session with a prepared agenda. Handouts or QR codes with resources are encouraged, as there is no AV included for Roundtables. For On Aging 2025, Roundtable sessions will be scheduled throughout the conference agenda, and not held simultaneously. Sessions will also take place in individual rooms, rather than in one large hall.

AV included: None

Number of presenters: 1–4

Number of Continuing Education credits: 1

On Aging 2025 Tracks

The following tracks are available for On Aging 2025. Also included below are the four available tracks for On Tech @ On Aging.

  • Age-friendly Initiatives
    Age-friendly & Livable communities
    Community planning & development
    Universal design
  • Ageism & Culture
    Intergenerational programming
    Age-incisive branding & marketing practices
    Age-inclusive hiring & workforce practices
  • Aging in Community
    Transportation & mobility
    Senior centers
    Home & Community-Based Services
  • Aging While Black
    Amplifying the perspectives, experiences, and voices of Black adults
    Advancing technology and innovation in Black communities
    Supportive social systems, programs, services, and practices in Black communities
    Research and knowledge-building of Black aging experiences
    Palliative Care: optimizing quality of life and comfort in Black communities
  • Caregiving & Supporting Caregivers
    Family/informal caregiving
    Paid/formal caregiving
    Paid caregiver workforce issues
  • Economic Security
    Intersections of health & economic security
    Housing affordability
    Financial literacy & planning
    Income security & retirement
    Aging workforce issues
  • Family Justice, Elder Law & Adult Protective Services
    Workforce issues
    Elder law
    Adult Protective Services
    Abuse, fraud, scams
  • Future of Work, Organizational Capacity & Business Operations
    Organizational strategic planning
    Fundraising and development
    Age-inclusive HR strategies
    Tech strategies
  • Innovation & Social Impact
    Age-tech innovations
    Digital divide
    Social impact programs & investments
  • Lifelong Learning, Engagement & Society
    Lifelong learning
    Creativity & the humanities
    Death & dying as a social construct
    Spirituality & meaning
    Intergenerational programming
  • Loneliness, Social Isolation & Connectedness
    Interdisciplinary programs/interventions
    Social isolation interventions
    Senior center programming
  • Mental & Behavioral Health
    Behavioral health science
    Careers in mental health
    Clinical programs/interventions
    Interdisciplinary programs/interventions
    Brain health
    Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias
    Substance use & abuse
    Trauma/trauma-informed practice
    Veterans’ programs & care
  • Multisector Plans for Aging
    With the goal of every state developing its own Multisector Plan for Aging, these sessions will provide attendees with everything they need to start and expand initiatives in their states. Topics could include:
    Planning for equity in aging
    New approaches to Multisector Plans for Aging
    Using Multisector Plans for Aging as a roadmap for innovation
  • On Tech @ On Aging: Aging in Place with Help from Tech
  • On Tech @ On Aging: Leveraging Tech for Better Care
  • On Tech @ On Aging: Supporting Caregivers
  • On Tech @ On Aging: Tech for a Better Brain & Body
  • Physical Health & Well-being
    Climate change impacts
    Social Determinants of Health
    Brain health
    Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Related Diseases
  • Public Policy & Advocacy
    Tech policy & advocacy issues
    Disability rights advocacy
    Climate change policy
    Workforce issues
  • Systems of Care
    Disability & accessibility
    Emergency planning/disaster response
    Home & Community-Based Services
    Rural aging
    Universal design
    End-of-life & palliative care
    Long-term care
    Healthcare economics
    Workforce issues 


Important Dates and Deadlines

June 18, 2024: Online portal opens for proposal submissions. 

Aug. 9, 2024: Online portal closes for proposal submissions. 

Aug. 14, 2024: Proposals given to peer reviewers.  

Oct. 7, 2024: Proposal acceptances announced. Presenter rate of $595 is offered to all accepted presenters.  

Oct. 9–11, 2024: Ageism Awareness Day Sale for a registration rate of $475.  

Oct. 15–Dec. 13, 2024: Presenter Rate of $595 is offered to all accepted presenters.

Dec. 13, 2024: Deadline for all presenters to be registered.  

Jan.–Mar. 2025: Conference website regularly updated with presenter guidance and conference agenda.  

April 21–24, 2025: On Aging 2025!


Presenter Agreement

1. Primary Presenter Responsibility  

As the primary presenter, I have completed and/or reviewed and approve my proposal(s) and have coordinated with my co-presenters (if applicable). 


2. Co-presenter(s) Confirmation  

As the primary presenter, I confirm that my co-presenter(s) have agreed to participate before including them in the proposal. 


3. Presenter Registration and Membership Status  

I agree that I and all my co-presenters will register by Dec. 13, 2024, if selected as a presenter at On Aging 2025. I understand that I must have an active ASA membership to participate in On Aging 2025. 


4. Registration Rates  

I understand that the presenter rate of $595 is available from Oct. 15 to Dec. 13, 2024 only. These rates do not include ASA membership, which is required to participate at On Aging 2025. 


5. Financial Disclosures  

I agree that if selected for a presentation, I and all my co-presenters will disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the audience, including the following:  

  • Shareholder: Vested ownership in or ability to potentially obtain financial gain from the sale of products or services discussed in your presentation.  
  • Consultant or Speaker: Any consulting or representational or agency relationship(s) with the manufacturer or provider of commercial product(s) or service(s) discussed in your presentation. 
  • Educational or Research Grant: If your organization has funded research or other work described in your presentation, as a provider of commercial services or as other commercial supporters.
  • Other Disclosure: If your presentation discusses use of products for off-label purposes, or products currently under investigational use.  


6. DEI Principles   

All presenters are aware of ASA’s DEI principles (located here) and agree to adhere to these guidelines. 


7. Educational Content  

On Aging sessions are intended to be educational, and the explicit promotion or sale of products or services is not allowed under any circumstances. The appropriate venue for direct promotion of products and services is the Resource Center & Exhibit Hall, which draws large numbers of conference attendees and faculty.  


8. Terms & Conditions  

All presenters are aware of ASA’s Terms & Conditions (located here) and agree to them. 

Contact Us

For any questions and/or comments, please email