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11:00 AM Pacific

Part of the Aging and Disability Business Institute Series—a collaboration of National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and American Society on Aging (ASA)

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Includes complimentary CEs

Learn how the evidence-based program Respecting Choices can help you support your clients to receive care and services aligned with what matters most to them. Through the telling of a story, we will cover how Respecting Choices can help you optimize your Advance Care Planning programs. Join us to hear Lydia and Micah’s journey of person-centered decision-making and the support they received from community-based organizations.

Participants of this webinar will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of advance care planning and advance directives; 
  • Identify intended populations for advance care planning conversations; and,
  • Describe three ways community organizations can impact care provision that aligns with their clients’ values.



Connie Benton Wolfe, MA, has been a thought leader in the field of aging for more than 25 years, holding positions at the national and community levels. She is a passionate advocate and voice for the creation of community-integrated healthcare models to better serve medically and socially complex patients. Benton Wolfe is president & CEO of Aging and In-Home Services, an Area Agency on Aging serving northeast Indiana. She is also co-Founder of Preferred Community Health Partners/GroundGame Health.


Stephanie Anderson, DNP, the executive director of Respecting Choices, is responsible for executing the mission of this internationally recognized evidence-based program. She has more than 25 years’ experience in palliative care, home care and hospice. Through this work she recognizes the critical importance and role of community-based organizations in caring for people who live, work, pray and play in each of our communities across the country.
Sandy Markwood Sandy Markwood, MA, is CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), responsible for n4a’s management and for enhancing the role and recognition of its members—Area Agencies on Aging and Title VI programs**. She **has more than 30 years’ experience in the development and delivery of aging, health, human services, housing and transportation programs in counties and cities across the nation.