Part of the Aging and Disability Business Institute Series—a Collaboration of n4a and ASA.
Includes 1 complimentary CE credit*
*ASWB CE Credit Changes 2018: Beginning September 25, 2018, ASA will no longer be able to issue ASWB CE credits for recorded web seminar attendance. You can only claim ASWB CE credit if you watch “Building and Financing Sustainable Partnerships between Healthcare and Community-based Organizations” at 10:00 AM PT on June 19, 2019. We apologize for any inconvenience. This change is due to ASWB ACE Provider distance learning requirements.
If you require ADA accommodation to participate in this web seminar, please contact Steve Moore at your earliest convenience to make arrangements –
In a newly released report that Meals on Wheels America prepared with Quantified Ventures, and supported by Nonprofit Finance Fund, “Effective Partnerships Between Community-Based Organizations and Healthcare: A Possible Path to Sustainability,” we describe a first-in-kind attempt to develop a Pay for Success project between a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan and Meals on Wheels America—a rewarding and challenging experience. The project resulted in the MA plan paying for the Meals on Wheels services directly, bypassing the need for the Pay for Success approach. The process of methodically structuring the Pay for Success project led us to build the trust and confidence with the MA plan required for a direct contract—the goal of Pay for Success. This experience unearthed unknown challenges but also ways in which MA plans can creatively finance—through Pay for Success and other outcomes-based financing approaches—initiatives focused on prevention that address the social determinants of health. Join us on June 19, as we explore these lessons and provide guidance for how social service providers and health plans can partner to push forward this important work.
Participants in this web seminar will be able to:
- Describe the structure of a standard Pay for Success model;
- Explain the regulatory environment in which MA plans work; and,
- Create a successful approach to partnering with an MA plan.
Celia Barker is project director, Strategy and Impact at Meals on Wheels America.
Lucy Theilheimer is chief Strategy and Impact officer at Meals on Wheels America.
Target Audience: All
The Aging and Disability Business Institute is funded by:
The Administration for Community Living
The John A. Hartford Foundation
The Evidence-Based Leadership Council
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
Independent Living Research Utilization/National Center for Aging and Disability
Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley/Healthy Living Center of Excellence.
Learn more about The Aging and Disability Business Institute at