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11:00 AM Pacific

Presented by ASA’s Mental Healthcare and Aging Network (MHAN) 

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This webinar is based on a workshop that was presented at the 2016 Aging in America Conference.

We all know how deep-rooted conflict between family members and other caregiving stakeholders can jeopardize the dignity, well-being and even safety of an older adult. In an unprecedented partnership, 20 U.S./Canadian organizations developed Eldercaring Coordination to reduce conflict in such families, aid decision-making and help with necessary transitions. Eldercaring coordination is meant to complement, not replace, services such as legal representation, individual or family therapy, or life care and medical assistance. This team approach assists the older adult, their family and other caregiving stakeholders to better use available resources and focus on the elder, rather than on any conflicts.

On September 1, 2015, five states—Florida, Indiana, Idaho, Minnesota and Ohio—began to pilot eldercaring coordination, now called the Elder Justice Initiative, in which the states develop pilot sites, assist with research, enhance the use of available resources, and help caregiving stakeholders meld personal agendas into a collaborative outcome with a primary focus on the older adult.

Participants in this web seminar will be able to:

  • Define eldercaring coordination as a dispute-resolution process and explain the qualifications of an eldercaring coordinator;
  • Explain how the eldercaring coordinator collaborates with available resources and providers for the older adult and their family; and,
  • Detail ways to initiate a pilot site so that eldercaring coordination becomes more readily available.


Sue Bronson, M.S., is a mediator, trainer and psychotherapist in private practice in Milwaukee, Wis., since 1983 mediating family, elder and workplace disputes. She serves as co-chair of the Association for Conflict Resolution Task Force on Eldercaring Coordination.

Linda Fieldstone is supervisor of Family Court Services for the 11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade County, Fla., where she is also a parenting coordinator. She is past president of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and co-chair of the Association for Conflict Resolution Task Force on Eldercaring Coordination, now the Elder Justice Initiative.

Catherine Seal is senior partner in the law firm Kirtland & Seal, LLC.  She is the president of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and is the first person ever awarded an LL.M. Degree in Elder Law.

Michael Kirtland, Esq., is managing partner in the law firm Kirtland & Seal, LLC, in Colorado Springs, and an experienced elder law attorney specializing in issues related to aging.