Part of the Aging and Disability Business Institute Series—a Collaboration of n4a and ASA.
Includes complimentary CEUs*
Cross-sector partnerships between healthcare and community-based organizations (CBO) continue to show promise as an effective strategy for improving the population’s health and well-being. Increasingly, hospitals and health systems recognize such partnerships as a strategy for addressing operational, clinical and financial challenges. This web seminar will explore how health systems approach cross-sector partnerships and will highlight incentives leading health systems to pursue partnerships with CBOs. The web seminar also will guide attendees through the process of conducting market research that will lead to a better understanding of how hospitals and health systems operate and the challenges they face. This insight can inform web seminar attendee strategy for targeting potential hospital and health system partners, as well as developing a compelling case for partnership.
Participants in this web seminar will be able to:
- Build an understanding of the incentives that can influence a health system’s interest in pursuing cross-sector partnerships;
- Receive guidance on how to conduct market research that will lead to better understanding the challenges and incentives that a hospital or health system faces, and use that to better inform a partnership strategy; and,
- Hear about how CBOs and health systems developed partnerships to address the incentives and interests of each party through case-study examples.
Lori Peterson is founder and CEO of Collaborative Consulting, a consultancy at the intersection of medical-social integration, with extensive experience in cross-sector partnership design and development, organizational assessment and capacity-building and integrated model design and implementation.
Erin Lockwood is a consultant at Collaborative Consulting.
The Aging and Disability Business Institute is funded by:
The Administration for Community Living
The John A. Hartford Foundation
The Gary and Mary West Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation
The Marin Community Foundation
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
Independent Living Research Utilization/National Center for Aging and Disability
Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley/Healthy Living Center of Excellence.
Learn more about The Aging and Disability Business Institute at